каталог дисков
Classic Fond: ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРЫ ДЛЯ IBM PC выпуск 12 (Fake!)
- Состав сборника:
- Alley Cats Games Fun’s
- Arthur’s Birthday Living Books
- C&C The Eye of Domination Actura Software.
- Ceasar 2 with new cities Games Fun’s
- Cheats Games Fun’s
- Civilazation II *russian* MicroProse
- Cyber Dillo Pixel Technologies
- Deadline Millennium/Psygnosis
- Dial for Quake Simply Software.
- Dinotopia Turner Interactive
- Doom2 new levels Id Software
- Duke 3d map’s Games Fun’s
- Final Doom Id Software
- Flight Unlimited for win95 Looking Glass Tech.
- Gender Wars GT Interactive
- Hoyle Solitaire Sierra online
- Offensive Ocean
- Pilot Shop for Flight.Sim -
- Power Dolls MegaTech
- Rebell Runner *final* Microforum
- Scat 2095 -
- Sim City 2000 town addon Games Fun’s
- Solutions Games Fun’s
- Space Bucks Sierra on line
- Species Metro Goldwyn Mayer
- The Way Baseball Simon & Schuster
- Tronic Ilk Games
- Virtual Victor Cyberboy
- Williams Arcade Classics Williams