каталог дисков
СБОРНИК ИГР для IBM PC 1994 года N2
- Состав сборника:
- Al-Qadim: the Genies Curse
- Alien Legacy
- Aryavaiv
- Batlle Bugs
- Beneath a Steel Sky Walkthrough
- Black Thorne
- Chaos Engine
- Colonization
- Cool Spot
- Delta V
- Depth Dwellers
- Diggers
- Doom 2
- Fantastic Dizzy
- Formula One - Domark
- Geekwad
- Higway Fighter
- Hoyle Classic Cards Games
- Indycar Racing
- Ironcross
- Ishar 3
- Jazzy the Jack - Rabbit
- Krypton Egg
- Lamborghini
- Last Action Hero: Jack Slayter
- Legend of Seven Paladins 3D
- Loderunner : Legend Returns
- Lords of the Realms
- Master of Magic
- Museum Madness
- Mystic Towers
- Nitemare 3D
- Origamo
- Pacific Strike
- Planet Football
- Prince of Evil
- Ravenloff
- Reunion
- Rise of the Robots (CD Version)
- Robinsons Reqviem
- Sabre Team
- Sea Wolf
- Silverball Plus 2
- Soccer Kid
- Star Crusader
- Super Dune 2: the Distruction
- Super Ski 3
- Superhero League of Hoboken
- System Shock
- Tanks!
- The Dreamweb
- The Settlers
- The Travels of Joe Rabbit
- Theme Park
- Tie Fighter
- Train Engineer
- Tubular Worlds
- Wacky Wheels
- Wolf
- Zool 2