каталог дисков
Fly Симуляторы Второй Мировой Войны <1211>
- Состав сборника:
- 1940 : The Battle for Britain
- Aces of the Pacific
- Aces Over Europe
- Air Power
- B17 Flying Fortress
- Battle Hawks 1942
- Combat Flight Simulator
- DogFight
- Evasive Action V1.41
- Fighter Duel : Spesial Edition
- Heroes of the 357th
- Luftwaffe Commander
- OverLord
- Pacific Air War 1942 + War Scenario
- Pacific Strike V2.0
- Secret Weapons of Luftwaffe
- War Birds 2.0 Rev 3
- WarBirds V1.11
- WarBirds V2.1
- Wings of Destiny
- World War II Fighters
- WWII : D-Day and Midway + FST Tools Upd