каталог дисков
Game Shock vol.13 <2008>
- Состав сборника:
- Abuse Electronic Arts 1996 Arcade abuse 10000 3000 Ms-Dos
- Advanced Tactical Fighters Electronic Arts 1996 Flysim atf 39000 37000 Ms-Dos
- Age of Rifles United States 1996 Strategy rifles 11300 4100 Ms-Dos
- Alice United States 1996 RPG alice 3000 1700 Windows
- Battle Arena Toshindin : Playble Demo United Ststes 1996 Fights barendem 6500 4500 Ms-Dos
- Battle Arena Toshindin for 3D Blaster United Ststes 1996 Fights toshinde 12000 12000 Ms-Dos
- Bermuda Syndrome Century Interactive 1996 Quest bermuda 34000 26000 Ms-Dos
- Championship Manager 2 United States 1996 Sport cm2 17300 17000 Ms-Dos
- Chaos Overlords New World Computing 1996 Strategy chaoslrd 32000 7000 Ms-Dos
- Duken Nuken 3D : Полная версия 3D Realms 1996 Super3d duke3d 30000 13000 Ms-Dos
- Exile 2 United States 1996 RPG exile2 2200 2100 Windows
- Fast Attack Sierra on Line 1995 Wargame fattack 58300 43000 Windows 95
- Fields of Battle Bevelstone Productio1996 Strategy fob 6000 6000 Ms-Dos
- Formula One/net Win 3.1 United States 1996 Carsim formula 2200 2100 Windows
- Gear Heads Phillips 1996 Arcade gearhead 10000 8300 Windows
- Heretic : Shadows of the Serpent Riders ID Software 1996 Super3d hereticn 36000 7100 Ms-Dos
- Indiana Jones, Desktop Adventure Lukas Arts 1996 Quest indy 1400 1300 Ms-Dos
- Island Peril Symantec 1996 Super3d isperil 10000 2100 Ms-Dos
- Judge Dredd Acclaim Entertainmen1996 Arcade judredd 20000 7000 Ms-Dos
- Klik ’n Play Gamepack United Ststes 1996 Arcade klikplay 35000 14000 Ms-Dos
- Myst 2 : Welcome to the Future United States 1996 Quest myst2 40000 30000 Ms-Dos
- Nemesis 2 : Return of Dragon Force Komodo Studio 1996 Shoot nemesis2 21000 14000 Windows
- New Rase Time United States 1996 Carsim nrt 23000 8100 Windows
- Operation : Carnage Midnidht Synergy 1996 Shoot carnage 4400 2000 Ms-Dos
- PinBall 3D/VCR Spiderman 1996 Asart 3dvcrpba 8000 4000 Ms-Dos
- Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires Sierra on Line 1996 Strategy risefall 52100 40000 Windows
- Scooter’s Magic Castle Electronic Arts 1996 Kids castle 60000 40000 Ms-Dos
- Sensible Golf Sensible Soft/Virgin1996 Sport sengolf 5000 3000 Dos/Win95
- Settlers 2 Blue Byte 1996 Strategy settler2 21500 7000 Ms-Dos
- Spud Charybdis Limited 1996 Quest spudd_p1 56300 30000 Ms-Dos
- Super Starwars Lucas Arts 1996 Arcade ssw 6000 5000 Ms-Dos
- Tacops Arsenal Publishing 1996 Strategy tacops 4000 4000 Windows
- Tilt : Pinball Virgin Interactive 1996 Asart tiltpbal 36400 23200 Ms-Dos
- Uefa Champions League United States 1996 Sport uefa 10000 4000 Ms-Dos
- Warcraft 2 : New Levells Blizard/Interplay 1996 Strategy wacr2sce 34100 4200 Ms-Dos
- Warcraft 2 1.20 Crack Blizard/Interplay 1996 Strategy w2ptch12 2400 1500 Ms-Dos
- Wicheven 2 United States 1996 Super3d wh2 61000 18000 Ms-Dos
- Wooden Ships & Iron Men United States 1996 Strategy wships 17300 11300 Ms-Dos
- World Atlas V3.2 United States 1996 Learning mmwa 26000 15000 Ms-Dos
- World Rally Fever : Playble Demo Team 17 1996 Carsim wrally_d 95000 85000 Ms-Dos
- Worms for Net United States 1996 Shoot wormsnet 456 210 WIN/NET
- Сommand &Conquer : New Mission Virgin Interactive 1996 Strategy c&cmissi 23100 12200 Ms-Dos